Poetry by Valerie

Adventures of Myko

Myko is my one year old beige Manx cat
With a four-inch fluffy tail
And runs like a rabbit.

He lives like a King
In His Jungle of Adventure & Leisure.
His yawn is like that of a ferocious lion.
Yet his purr is like that of a racing motorboat
When given loving attention.

He stretches out on the windowsill,
Basks in the sun,
And greets all his feline friends:
Sam, Marlo,Midnight, Mittens, and E.T.

During playtime
He is very acrobactic.
He performs somersaults
With his toy mouse.
He fights with shoe lacings
As if he battles courageously
Against a Python.

"He like to dress up"
With his toy pearl necklace
Around his neck
Or his blue blanket
Caught under his collar.
He lets out an echoing call
And races throughout the house.

He lays among fluffy pillows
Always cleansing himself.
And falls asleep
For hours on end.

Upon my return to His Kingdom,
I always get an elaborate greeting
At my feet.
He perches himself
On top of my rocker
To look behind the windos shade
Across the bay
To see his sweetheart!

What a Life!

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